What You Should Know Before Having a Facelift
Facelift is an operation that reduces the signs of aging on the face and allows you to have a more aesthetic facial appearance. There are some factors that you have to check before having this operation. You should know the types of facelifts according to your face to discuss the right operation with your doctor. The doctor explains to the patient how to make corrections in which areas of the face. Facelift surgery generally takes 3-4 hours. After the surgery, the patient usually stays in the hospital for one night. After the operation, the face should be protected from the sun for a certain period of time. It is normal to see bruising and swelling on the face at first. The recovery time of bruising and swelling varies from patient to patient. In general, after a month, bruises and swelling begin to gradually decrease and the change in the face begins to be noticed. The results of facelift surgery are usually long-term and permanent. You should avoid strict alcohol and smoking consumption after surgery. You should avoid heavy exercises for the first few weeks after surgery. With the face lift operation, you can reduce the signs of aging and you can have an aesthetic facial appearance.