Hair Transplant in Turkey is a surgical operation done on the scalp to restore hair on balding areas of the scalp, transferring healthy hair follicles on the same scalp. It is generally performed by taking hair follicles from the donor area, which is mostly the back of the head, to the balding or thinning recipient area.
To see if you are a good candidate for a hair transplant, please share your hair photos taken from the front, back,
and side via Whatsapp or use the form bellow.
There are a few techniques of hair transplantation, which are FUE, DHI, Sapphire FUE and Afro Hair Transplant. The difference among these methods are the application ways and processes. FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) is applied by extracting healthy hair follicles from the back of the head, without damaging the backside, and transplanting them; whereas, DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) is performed with a special surgical pen called DHI Implanter or CHOI Pen, transplanting the grafts taken from the skin one by one. The only difference between Sapphire FUE and FUE is the use of blades made of sapphire in the Sapphire FUE method. Afro Hair Transplant, on the other hand, is not actually different from the other methods, and the FUE method is mostly preferred for Afro Hair Transplant. Even though it is generally performed on men, women can also be candidates for Hair Transplant operation.
FUE method provides more successful results, and is widely preferred in Turkey. It has a 90-95% success rate, depending on the patient and the treatment process. FUE method also has a faster recovery process, lasting results and high satisfaction rate. In addition,
it is a painless operation and does not leave any scars.
Esmirna Turizm Travel Agency TURSAB No: 12303/A
Surgery TR maintains all its services under the understanding of high quality, reliability, and excellent service in Istanbul and Izmir (Turkey) as a medical travel company since 2016. Surgery TR is an institution of Esmirna Turizm Travel Agency